Syringe Epinephrine
All Training Materials can be found at the following:
MLREMS Syringe Epinephrine Webpage
MLREMS Syringe Epinephrine Webpage
The pilot program for Check and Inject has been completed and as a result it has been adopted by the SEMAC for statewide use. The following is a statement made by the SEMAC regarding the program.
"Based on the results of a State Emergency Medical Advisory Committee (SEMAC) demonstration project, the New York State Emergency Medical Service Advisory Council (SEMSCO) approved Syringe Epinephrine for Emergency Medical Technicians (Check & Inject NY) at the September 14, 2016 meeting. The project established that EMTs, with the appropriate training may administer the proper dose of epinephrine for a patient experiencing a severe anaphylactic reaction using a specific 1cc syringe. Additionally, the project realized a significant cost saving over maintaining epinephrine auto-injectors. The Commissioner of Health has approved the addition of Syringe Epinephrine and at the request of the SEMAC, this approval includes the intramuscular administration of 1:1000 epinephrine using a 1cc syringe, a 23 gauge, 1 inch intramuscular safety needle and a single dose 1:1000 epinephrine packaged in a 1mg/ml vial as an addition to the scope of practice for an EMT."
You may read the full policy statement here.
"Based on the results of a State Emergency Medical Advisory Committee (SEMAC) demonstration project, the New York State Emergency Medical Service Advisory Council (SEMSCO) approved Syringe Epinephrine for Emergency Medical Technicians (Check & Inject NY) at the September 14, 2016 meeting. The project established that EMTs, with the appropriate training may administer the proper dose of epinephrine for a patient experiencing a severe anaphylactic reaction using a specific 1cc syringe. Additionally, the project realized a significant cost saving over maintaining epinephrine auto-injectors. The Commissioner of Health has approved the addition of Syringe Epinephrine and at the request of the SEMAC, this approval includes the intramuscular administration of 1:1000 epinephrine using a 1cc syringe, a 23 gauge, 1 inch intramuscular safety needle and a single dose 1:1000 epinephrine packaged in a 1mg/ml vial as an addition to the scope of practice for an EMT."
You may read the full policy statement here.
As a result the information needed to complete the training for those that have yet to do so can be found at the following link: Check and Inject Training Materials
Upon successful completion of your training you must submit a (1) participation agreement, (2) new medical director verification form, (3) standard operating procedures, (4) submit a letter of the medical director's support and (5) training verification for all agency members.
- Participation Agreement
- Medical Director Verification
- Standard Operating Procedures (SAMPLE)
- Medical Director's Support Letter
- Training Verification
These 5 items must be submitted to STEMS no less than three weeks prior to the next scheduled WREMAC meeting for approval. If you encounter any problems or need an additional help please feel free to reach out to me and I will help you through the process at [email protected].